Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Baby Coming Soon for Celine and René Angélil

Yes, that's right. Celine and her hubbie, 67 year-old René Angélil, just found out on Monday that they are expecting their second child.

Celine had previously emphasized her desire to have more children many times over, but a hectic Las Vegas schedule made it nearly impossible, until now. She herself comes from a family of 14 children! No that's not a typo, 14, as in ten plus four.

The couple had assistance from a team of fertility doctors who made it possible for them to conceive again.

Their first child, also conceived with some help from the same feritility doctor, Dr. Zev Rosenwaks, is René Charles, born in January of 2001.

The singer, 41, decided to stop touring in March to concentrate on becoming a mother again. Now the birth of their second child could force a postponement of her return to Las Vegas in the fall of 2010.

Congrats to Celine. Not sure if I could ever be with a 67 year old guy, but more power to ya if you're happy.
Information for this article came from People Magazine.


Toothfairy said...

wow... he's 67... he should be a grandpa, not dad...


Pink said...

My thought exactly.

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